domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2011



The subjunctive mood expresses the speaker’s opinion, wish, doubt, emotion, or judgement about the unlikelihood of a hypothetical event.

Simple tenses

Present Subjunctive (presente de subjuntivo), e.g.: hable (“I speak”)

Imperfect Subjunctive (imperfecto de subjuntivo) (-ra form), e.g.: hablara (“I used to speak, I was speaking”)

Imperfect Subjunctive (imperfecto de subjuntivo) (-se form), e.g.: hablase (“I used to speak, I was speaking”)

Future Subjunctive (futuro de subjuntivo), e.g.: hablare (“I shall speak”)

Perfect forms

Present Perfect Subjunctive (pretérito perfecto de subjuntivo), e.g.: haya hablado (“I have spoken, I spoke”)

Pluperfect Subjunctive (pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo) (-ra form), e.g.: hubiera hablado (“I had spoken, I spoke”)

Pluperfect Subjunctive (pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo) (-se form), e.g.: hubiese hablado (“I had spoken, I spoke”)

Future Perfect Subjunctive (futuro compuesto del subjuntivo), e.g.: hubiere hablado (“I shall have spoken”)

Continuous forms

Present Subjunctive Continuous (presente de subjuntivo continuo), e.g.: esté hablando (“I am speaking”)

Imperfect Subjunctive Continuous (imperfecto de subjuntivo continuo) (-ra form), e.g.: estuviera hablando (“I was speaking, I would be speaking”)

Imperfect Subjunctive Continuous (imperfecto de subjuntivo continuo) (-se form), e.g.: estuviese hablando (“I was speaking, I would be speaking”)

Future Subjunctive Continuous (futuro de subjuntivo continuo), e.g.: estuviere hablando (“I shall/will be speaking”)

Present Perfect Subjunctive Continuous pretérito perfecto de subjuntivo continuo), e.g.: haya estado hablando (“I have been speaking”)

Pluperfect Subjunctive Continuous (pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo continuo) (-ra form), e.g.: hubiera estado hablando (“I had been speaking”)

Pluperfect Subjunctive Continuous (pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo continuo) (-se form), e.g.: hubiese estado hablando (“I had been speaking”)

Future Perfect Subjunctive Continuous (futuro compuesto de subjuntivo continuo), e.g.: hubiere estado hablando (“I shall/will have been speaking”)

Verb Tenses for Spanish 3

                        This packet is designed to help you review the tenses that you have learned so far.  While all irregular information is not provided, you can refer to your verb packets if you need to practice or review the irregulars in a specific tense.

1.  Present Tense:        Used to talk about what is going on now!   There are 3 sets of endings listed below and you drop the  ar/er/ir   before adding the endings.  There are several stem changing verbs in this tense and you need to remember to change all forms except the nosotros.  Also remember that escoger,recoger and dirigir all change the g to j in the YO form only.

          ar endings                                  er endings                                ir endings
   o                          amos
 o                              emos
o                           imos
  as                        xxxxxx
 es                            xxxxxx
es                         xxxxx
  a                          an
 e                              en
e                           en

2.  The present progressive: This is a compound tense that uses Estar + ando / iendo instead of the regular present tense.  There are several irregulars with ir being the most unusual.  Ir = yendo.  We use this tense to distinguish what is going on now versus what goes on. 
            Ej:  Paco trabaja en Wegmans.                                                 Nieva en invierno.
                  Paco está trabajando en Wegmans.                                    Está nevando hoy.

                 Ellos comen biftec.                                                             Paco sale a las tres.
                 Ellos están comiendo biftec.                                                Paco está saliendo.

3.  The subjuntive present tense:  This tense is used when you hope/wish/want/tell or recommend that someone else do something.  You do not control the outcome! 
The verbs usually involved are:  esperar         querer          decir         recomendar

To form:  Start with the present tense YO form, drop the O and add the opposite endings below!

                                               ar endings                    er/ir endings
e                        emos
a                       amos
es                      xxxx
as                     xxxx
e                        en
a                       an

            To be subjunctive there must be:  1.   2 different subjects
                                                             2.  Connect the phrases with que
                                                             3.  Ojála que is always followed by the subjunctive form.

            Irregulars:         SIDES             Ser-      sea                  Follow chart endings above for the rest of
                                                           Ir-         vaya                 the forms.
                                                           Estar-   esté                            
Saber- sepa

The Past Tense Tenses

In Spanish, there are 2 past tenses.  The preterite & the imperfect tenses.  You must be careful to use the correct one.

4.  The preterite:  Used to talk about a completed action or event.  You can see the beginning and / or end of
                        the event.  There are many irregular verbs in this tense and you should check preterite
                        packets 1-2-3 to check the forms.  There are also 5 verbs that change meaning when used
                        in this tense.
                        For preterite regular forms:  drop the ar/er/ir and add the endings below

            Ar endings-regulars               er / ir endings-regulars                   Irregular endings
é                       amos
í                           imos
e                        imos
aste                   xxxx
iste                       xxxx
iste                     xxxx
ó                       aron
o                        ieron

            These verbs change meaning:            Preterite                      Imperfect

            1.  querer                                 tried to                         wanted to
            2.  no querer                             refused to                     didn’t want to
            3.  poder                                  managed to                  was able to
            4.  haber                                  there was-an event        there was-description
            5.  saber                                  found out, learned         knew facts/info.
            6.  conocer                               met for 1st time              knew people/places/things

5. The imperfect:         Used to talk about things in the past where there was no exact time.  The
                                   beginning and or end of the event is not clear.  There was repetition or
                                   description instead of an event.  This tense is always used for time and age
and is usually used for weather unless a word like yesterday is used.  It is also
used for expressions of the head and heart.  Ej.  I hated the game.
                                                                      We loved the movie.
            Drop the ar/er/ir ending and add the endings below.                    She was sick.

                        Ar endings                                Er / Ir endings
aba                         ábamos
ía                            íamos
abas                       xxxxxx
ías                           xxxxx
aba                         aban
ía                             ían

Imperfect Irregulars:   
Ser                             ver                                       ir

                          era         éramos               veía         veíamos             iba       íbamos
                          eras          xxxx                 veías         xxxxxx              ibas      xxxxx
                          era             eran                  veía          veían                     iba        iban        

6.  The imperfect with the progressive.  Use estar in imperfect + present progressive forms.
I was reading.               Yo Leía.    or     Yo estaba leyendo.                                                          They were studying.       Ellos estudiaban.   or    Ellos estaban estudiando.
Review irregulars in present progressive packet!

7.  The Future Tense:   to discuss what will/shall happen.  Used in place of ir + a + inf.  Can also be
                                   used for ‘wonder” as in I wonder what time it is?  ¿Qué hora será?
                                   Ellos llegarán esta noche.  They will arrive tonight.

To form:  Add endings below to infinitive-DO NOT DROP ENDINGS.

É          EMOS                                     Irregulars come in 3 categories:
            ÁS         XXXX                         ‘d’                               no ‘e’                           other
            Á          ÁN                       Poner- pondr                                 saber- sabr                   hacer- har
                                                    Salir- saldr                        querer- querr                 decir- dir
                                                    Venir- vendr                      haber- habr
                                                    Valer- valdr                       poder- podr
                                                    Tener –tendr

8.  The Conditional Tense:      Used to tell what would happen.  Use with pero not si ( if ) because if you
                                               use it with si, you need to use past subjunctive and you do not know it yet!
                                               I would go to the movie but I don’t have any money.
                                               Yo iría al cine pero no tengo ningún dinero.

To form:  Add endings below to infinitive-DO NOT DROP ENDINGS.  SAME AS FUTURE!

ÍA          ÍAMOS                                              Irregulars come in 3 categories:
            ÍAS         XXXX                                   ‘d’                               no ‘e’                           other
            ÍÁ          ÍAN                     Poner- pondr                                 saber- sabr                   hacer- har
                                                    Salir- saldr                        querer- querr                 decir- dir
                                                    Venir- vendr                      haber- habr
                                                    Valer- valdr                       poder- podr
                                                    Tener –tendr

9.  Present Perfect:      A compound tense used to tell what someone has done.
                                   Like the present progressive you have the helping verb ‘haber’
                                   and the present perfect form of the verb.

                                   Mi equipo ha ganado el torneo.  My team has won.
                                   Ellos han viajado a España.       They have traveled to Spain.

                                   he        hemos
                                   has       xxxxx               +  ado/ido                     ar verbs:  drop ar and add ‘ado’
                                   ha        han                                                      er/ir verbs: drop er/ir and add ‘ido’

                                                                                                          mandar- mandado
                                   review packet for irregulars                                salir-     salido
                                                                                                          perder-   perdido


Los Mandatos:  Commands

Remember:       There are 2 sets of commands.  There are the tú commands that we use with our family and
                        friends.  These can be used in the negative and affirmative and for only 1 person at a time.

                        Tú commands:   Form by using the he/she form of the verb for affirmatives.
                                               Limpia la casa.
                                               Tira la basura.
                                               Despiértate.                  For reflexives add ‘te’ to end.

                                               The irregulars are:  HIS TVS PD
                                               hacer                haz                  salir                  sal
                                               ir                      ve                    poner                pon
                                               ser                                       decir                 di
                                               tener                ten
                                               venir                 ven

                                               Negative Tú commands:  are like the subjunctive.  Start with yo form
                                                                                    of present tense and drop ‘o’.  Add es to ar verbs
                                                                                    and as to er/ir verbs.

                                               Hacer-  No hagas la tarea.
                                               Leer-     No leas el libro.
                                               Dormirse-  No te duermas.    For reflexives, add ‘te’ in front of verb.

                                               Irregular Negative Tú commands:  Same as subjunctive irregulars.
                                                           ser-      sea
Ir-        vaya                                                                                       Dar-     
                                                           Estar-   esté                            
Saber- sepa

Formal Commands:
The other commands are the formal commands.  We use these with strangers or anyone
that we would used Ud. with.  We also use these to form Uds. commands for more than 1
person.  These commands are easy- Use the subjunctive Ud. form for and Ud. command and use the Uds. subjunctive form for group commands.  To make them negative commands, place a ‘ no ‘ in front of the verb.

Hablar                         No hable.                     No hablen Uds.
Perder                         No pierda.                    No pierdan Uds.
Dormirse                      No se duerma.              No se duerman.  Reflex. goes before verb.                                                                                          Use ‘se’ NOT ‘te’
Irregular Negative Ud./ Uds. commands:  Same as subjunctive irregulars.
                        ser-      sea                 
Ir-        vaya                 Estar-   esté                                        
Dar-                        Saber-  sepa

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